Journey to Publication

RWA 2012 Gold Coast Conference

Diamonds are forever

Diamonds are forever

It's hard to believe it's only twelve days to the Romance Writers of Australia conference. If you're an aspiring writer it's worth your while taking time out to attend one of these conferences.

Here's what you'll gain:

  • You'll meet lots of other writers at different points on their journey toward publication to share your highs and lows with.
  • You'll meet multi-published authors who are more than willing to share their journey to publication with you.
  • There are workshops to attend to gain valuable tools for the craft of writing that will make you a better writer so that you get closer to that elusive publication.
  • You can pitch your completed novel to agents who are looking for the next bestselling auhor.
  • You can pitch to publishers who are keen to sign up a deal with an exciting new writer.
  • Make new friends and begin to build lifelong friendships.
  • Attend plenary sessions presented by top selling authors who share their experiences on the road to publication and give tips to help you on your unique adventure.
  • Meet other writers with whom you can swap manuscripts for critiquing and improve your craft.
  • Meet other writers and just have fun.
  • Come along to the Australian Romance Readers Association book signing. Buy great books and have them signed by the author.

Unfortunately ticket sales are closed, but you can come along to the book signing at QT in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast on Friday, 17th August, 2012 at 4.30 pm.

The Diamonds Are Forever Conference is one not to be missed. See you there!