
Thank You Melbourne

I felt sad as we left Melbourne this week. I thought about the time we spent with family; time spent with friends from my husband's teenage years; and time spent with the new friends I made at my book signings.

Kooyong Bookstore - Blackburn Vic.

Kooyong Bookstore - Blackburn Vic.

A very special thank you to everyone who came to my book signings at Koorong Blackburn and Koorong Melbourne CBD, and a special thank you to radio Light FM 89.9 for interviewing me. You all made my day special.

You see, I spend a lot of time behind the keyboard, or scratching with pen on paper hoping to write a saleable novel, and often I'm plagued with doubts about my work. When I have the opportunity to showcase my work it's so humbling to know that someone is going to take the time to read it.

Everyone is short of time, so to come to my book signing made me feel really valued. A special thanks again to all who came.

From the city to the bush at Eagle Point: I just had to share what happened yesterday.

A family of swans came to visit us at our camp site. I'm not sure if this is mum or dad with the cygnets, but the other adult is chasing up a wayward young one while the others watch with interest....could we get away with a bit of adventure just like our brother?

Feeling safe and secure with Mum

Feeling safe and secure with Mum

Best wishes to you all for a blessed Easter with family and friends.